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[ba-unrev-talk] introduction (was Re: ICADL call for short papers)

Speaking of DLI-II, now seems to be a good time to introduce myself.  I
can't remember what I was looking for when I stumbled across the list the
other day, but I've been inspired by Dr. Engelbart's work for a long time
now and I'm happy to see if there's some way I might participate.    (01)

I'm currently on research staff with the Alexandria Digital Library at UC
Santa Barbara, in the digital earth group specifically.  My professional
interests include advanced (and/or wacky :)) interfaces, knowledge
organization, information visualization and hypertext systems.  My
occasionally up to date homepage here at the project is    (02)

http://www.alexandria.ucsb.edu/~ancona/    (03)

There are links there to the paper and slides I recently presented at the
JCDL (Portland) workshop on information visualization; the slides may not
make much sense, but the paper is a decent enough overview of some of the
recent thinking of the group here.    (04)

Before joining this project about a year ago, I worked at a couple of
different startups in the bay area, including (briefly) one of my own.
See vizbang.com for a few more details on this.  Vizbang was headed
towards eventually being a general visualization based front end for a
hypertext system (ergo the Ted Nelson quote on the front page there); it
ended up being a bit more of an engineering challenge than I thought it'd
be, but I still think it's got potential.  I'm on an only slightly
divergent track with what I'm working on here and will probably end up
implementing some of the ideas I had there eventually.    (05)

Nice to be here, and I'm looking forward to an interesting collaboration
with you all.    (06)

dan    (07)

On Wed, 24 Jul 2002, Mei Lin Fung wrote:    (08)

> Hello all,
> As part of our Digital Library focus, we'll be submitting a short paper
> on what we're up to at the Bootstrap Alliance at the December 2002
> conference in Singapore.
> In case others are interested, I've put the details of the conference
> below, including the call for papers. (the call was sent out to the US
> Digital Library initiative people http://www.dli2.nsf.gov/
> Mei Lin
> >
> >Hi! As one of the program co-chairs for ICADL 2002, the International
> >Conference on Asian Digital Libraries,
> >http://www.cais.ntu.edu.sg:8000/icadl02
> >I invite you to submit a short paper proposal by 25 July.  There will
> be
> >poster proposals accepted even after that, but a short paper seems to
> be
> >the right way to express the latest results of Digital Library
> Initiative projects
> >
> >The conf. is just before the middle of Dec. in Singapore.
> >
> >Please let Ee Peng or me know if there are any questions.
> >
> >Thank you for your time and interest, regards, Ed
> >
> >Professor Edward A. Fox, Dept. of CS, 660 McBryde Hall
> >Virginia Tech, M/C 0106, Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA
> fox@vt.edu; http://fox.cs.vt.edu
>    (09)