[ba-unrev-talk] Fw: 'Perverse agricultural subsidies' submission to mailing list
I'm forwarding this, not merely because the cause is good,
but also because I'm wondering whether the earthsummit
site came out of KMi work.
Simon - care to plug open.ac's tech efforts better than me? (01)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Holt-Wilson" <admin@baldrick.open.ac.uk>
To: <ipe@csf.colorado.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 4:23 PM
Subject: 'Perverse agricultural subsidies' submission to mailing list (02)
Dear All, (03)
Perverse Agricultural Subsidies
(with apologies for any cross posting)
You are invited to join a discussion about perverse agricultural subsidies led
by Claire Rhodes of Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future. In 2000 rich
countries subsidised their farmers with the equivalent of US$245 billion.
However the total value of OECD agricultural subsidies was five times greater
than the annual flow of overseas development aid. What can be done to drive a a
high-profile global campaign on this issue? How can we collaborate to tackle
this problem? (04)
Join the discussion on 'Earth Summit for All' at http://earthsummit.open.ac.uk .
The outcomes of this discussion will feed into the Implementation Conference in
Johannesburg being held just before the WSSD and into the WSSD itself. (05)
Regards, (06)
Dr Gary Alexander (Director)
Tim Holt-Wilson (Information Co-ordinator)
'Earth Summit for All' Project
c/o Faculty of Technology
The Open University
Milton Keynes MK7 6BT
United Kingdom (07)
email: admin@earthsummit.open.ac.uk (08)
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'Earth Summit for All' is an on-line discussion forum
developed by The Open University for organisations
involved in the World Summit on Sustainable Development. (010)
Go to http://earthsummit.open.ac.uk (011)
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"A rising tide may float all boats, but not if yours has
a hole in it, or you do not have one".
- Michael Meacher, Environment Minister, UK (013)