Re: [ba-unrev-talk] An approach to a simpler truth.
"Dennis E. Hamilton" wrote:
> ... we get to know in this passing, a
> little more of who you and Eric are, in your lives and for the world.
Speaking of which, I need PHOTOS for the people on this
list. When people I've met post, I associate their name
with a face, and I associate the comment with a face. (01)
Later, when I write about something they wrote, the face
comes to mind, and I can put a name to it as I write. (02)
But my mind does not work in any way that will let me recall
for more than 10 minutes the author of any particular comment,
if I have never seen their face. (03)
I'm reduced to writing, "as someone mentioned earlier", or
else go hunting through the archive to try to find the
message. (04)
If only I had photos... (05)
Thanks! (06)