Re: [ba-unrev-talk] Humble pie in academia
Henry K van Eyken wrote: (01)
> ..the Java course is challenging me almost beyond endurance. (02)
I had a rough time getting a grip on object-oriented concepts. Until I did,
Java was a total mystery. The first couple of chapters of my book (The
JBuilder Bible) cover the basics, and the middle chapters cover more
advanced topics. (03)
Focus on chapters 2, 12, and 13. They capture understandings I was
able to gather from Allen Holub and Steve Abell, without which I could
not have made the strides necessary to work with the language. (04)
Unfortunately, the remainder of the book is horribly outdated, as Swing
is the GUI library du jour (the book uses AWT) and the Collections
classes beat the heck out of the arrays and vectors I had to use when
writing. (05)
> N.B. Simple sample question from the UNIX exam: give a command to
> seggregate from a list of files those with four-character names. (By
> straight file manipulation; no scripts.) (06)
Sounds like ls -l | grep ....\..* (07)
How close am I? (08)