From: Jon Winters <>
Found a story this morning on /. that is related to some of the things we
have been talking about...
Found this in my morning news sweep. I'm looking forward to reading his
full 25 page article tomorrow. We covered the possibilities he mentions
in the bootstrap class that I have been taking.
Now is the time to consider all theese issues so we can prevent an
accident in the future.
A few suggestions that were made in our class were to make the self
replicating machines in such a way that they can only replicate in certain
controlled environments that do not exist in nature. (while being flooded
by X-rays for example) If replicators get released into the wild they will
die off in one generation.
Mutants have me worried. Researchers are considering mutation and natural
selection so that nano machines can evolve and self optimize. Care must
be taken to prevent them from mutating the security measures mentioned
I remember reading some stuff written by Tom Ray that talked about letting
software mutate in the lab and then dis-abling its ability to reproduce
when it is time to harvest the program and put it to use.
Can the same concepts be applied to Nanotech?
-- Jon Winters OpenVerse PERFORM CPR ON YOUR APR! Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds! Get rates as low as 0.0% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees. Apply NOW! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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