And I would add to the mix that MS has
killed one category of applications after
another -- *not* by innovating, but by buying
one of the competitors in the field and then
driving all the others into oblivion.
Many a software vendor has gone out of business
as result. And the lucky ones that got bought
had to provide good terms, lest they be one of
the unlucky ones.
At one time, they really did a great job with
interfaces. It feels like they are dropping off
their own standard recently, though, with less
consistency and more stuff that is supposedly
good in theory, but without the testing to prove
To the degree they earned their position by
providing value, it is rightfully theirs. But to
the degree they build their empire by unethical
business practices, and lined their coffers by
promoting one solution to the detriment of all
others, to that degree that have used and abused
their monopoly position.
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