On Wed, 10 May 2000, Jack Park wrote:
> I believe it is a mistake to assume, at this time, that the "waterfall"
> methodology is dead for the OHS/DKR project. Extreme programming involves
> the equivalent of a Darwinian hack and slash approach, one that I do not
> favor in a project that is as complex and potentially important as this one.
The waterfall methodology does one thing very nicely: it outlines the
steps required for developing software. What it does not do is take into
account truly iterative development or properly model the process of
software creation. Many methodologies start with the waterfall process
with modifications to address these problems.
I don't want to get into a methodology war, and I'm not advocating total
conformance to the extreme programming methodology. Extreme programming
requires pair programming, building test modules before code, etc., things
that are either not feasible or not applicable to our project.
Nor am I advocating a "hack and slash" approach, with total disregard to
design, requirements management, testing, etc. What I'd like to see are:
- Emphasis on building prototypes.
- Small sets of prioritized requirements per release.
- Aggressive scheduling -- releasing early and often.
I think all of these things are beneficial for open source software
development in general, and especially for what we are trying to achieve.
-- +=== Eugene Eric Kim ===== eekim@eekim.com ===== http://www.eekim.com/ ===+ | "Writer's block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they | +===== can have an excuse to drink alcohol." --Steve Martin ===========+------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry experiments. http://click.egroups.com/1/4051/4/_/444287/_/958010086/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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