Re: [unrev-II] Current Proposals

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Sat May 13 2000 - 13:24:32 PDT

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] Re: Request For Comments" wrote:
    > If this process seems confusing at this point, it may be because I
    > don't
    > get it, but it is more likely that the real news is that it only gets
    > more difficult from here. It is the core problem we face in this
    > augmented knowledge management system.
    I think you get it perfectly. The process is confusing and
    potentially error-prone. When an improved speed of light is
    calculated, many of the structures built on it will continue
    to use the old version, until they are "updated".

    But that is exactly the situation we face today, that this thing
    is supposed to improve. If you update the OHS document, instead
    of the original source, then everyone who depends on it gets the
    latest, greatest information.

    Now, sometimes you don't want the latest, greatest value, and
    that's fine. There needs to be a "hard link" option that always
    points to the original version of the OHS document, no matter
    how often it is revised. But for a dynamic, evolving system, the
    ability to refer to the latest version is important. That is
    possible when you are working with OHS documents. It becomes
    problematic when they are some sort of index into the "real"

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