Eugene Eric Kim wrote, among other things:
> However, Doug is also 100 percent committed to open source. This is an
> important point to reiterate, because it sounds like people on the list
> are dubious about whether or not this project will ever happen as open
> source. There is no question that it will.
I had asked Doug to reply to some previous correspondence on the subject. In
support of Kim's remarks, I'll take the liberty to quote from my cc:
"This effort very definitely is NOT for the enrichment of Stanford and BI. For
me, this is a crusade, started almost exactly 49 years ago, and perservered
through a great deal of discouraging set-backs. For instance, the last three
years have been without salary (if I hadn't won a gigantic prize, I'd have been
in real trouble).
And, I am totally serious about the Open-Source pursuit of our OHS evolution.
I can't see how proprietary systems embedded in classical market environment
can yield the scale and rate of evolution that is called for in order to do
this bootstrapping on a scale that I feel is necessary.
We have to raise money to get basic, necessary things done. BI is too small;
SRI is the only candidate not-for-profit organization within my horizon which
has the capability and the world-wide reach to provide the necessary kind of
launch platform.
Note, Stanford University has no direct role here; SRI is completely separate.
The legal arrangement with SRI explicitly keeps them from gaining any
proprietary position from their involvement here as an important contractor.
We are interacting with central players in the open-source movement to maximize
our learning and planning. The total focus is for OPEN OHS.
I appreciate your expressions of concern, and welcome any future participation
that you and your friends may choose to provide.
Sincerely, Doug Engelbart"
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