> Bill,
> Very thoughtful illustration you set out in your letter today... <SNIP />
<SNIP />
> ... your open source query
> might be aided
> by explaining how that approach saves time, improves productivity, and
> earnings. Those criteria have proven to be good generic starting
> points for
> evaluating tools and work methods. ...
I agree that the traditional "value" metrics are useful. However, I question
how well they apply to something truly new. I doubt that electric lights or
telephones were cost effective replacements for existing technology right
when they were introduced. If DKRs ever prove truly useful, it may only be
after there are lots and lots of them hooked together and people are
immersed in them as a normal part of their lives. That is a long ways off.
And anyway, my text was an exercise in speculation as much as anything. It
was just me trying to describe part of a system I see in my head (if I close
my eyes real tight after I've had a couple of beers :-).
> In the meantime, it turns out that using a keyboard, computer screen, and
> special tools seems to augment human intelligence beyond what can
> be expected
> from reliance on voice recognition and pictures, for reasons in the record
> reviewing Andy Grove's book on 980307...
> Generating knowledge is hard work. ...
Yes, but knowledge is generated all the time. It is all around us. Capturing
it and encoding it so computers can store it and people can learn it is the
problem as I see it. IMO, this process will remain very difficult until we
have more immersive user interfaces. Until then, it *might* make sense to
try and "scrape" knowledge from existing stores (e.g. books, databases,
source code, etc). Truly integrated information systems probably yields more
short term bang for the buck. Again, just my speculation.
> ... But people don't mind hard work, if it
> yields rewards and is fun. Games are an example. People "work"
> awfully hard at
> golf, tennis, running, exercise, and computer games, because they
> get immediate
> satisfaction of varying kinds from the experience.
I love the point you make about "work" and games. IMO, Csikszentmihalyi
explains fairly well why that is in his book, Flow. I was excited to see
Flow mentioned on the L3D philosophy page
( L3D (LifeLong Learning &
Design) is the "mother" project of Dynasites, to which John Deneen submitted
a link yesterday.
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