--- In unrev-II@egroups.com, Rod Welch <rowelch@a...> wrote:
> Little feedback. The link you provided came up empty.
The URL is long and egroups doesn't highlight the whole URL (hence
the notation "please make sure you get the full url"). Please copy
and paste the following URL:
[please make sure you get the full url].
> The 5 elements you list might get KM done, depending upon what they
mean, i.e.,
> how do you convert information into knowledge. I asked the KMCI
people about
> this the other day and they reported the secret is "validation,"
> http://www.welchco.com/sd/08/00101/02/00/11/18/154057.HTM#L341103
You know that question feels to me something akin to the discussion
of reality and perception... LOL. I think knowledge is hard to pin
down because it is involves the human perception of such. One way to
gauge knowledge is by way of results. Knowledge may come about when
information comes in contact with human intelligence. Let's see how
this example unfolds. Corporations have databases filled with
information, much of it untapped stored on multiple systems in
mutliple databases. With BI tools and applied human knowledge, a
dynamic reports can be created to change information towards
knowledge which can benefit many users. Say a user creates a
critical daily operations report, and it goes through the validation
process and is accepted by IT and management as being correctly
calculated (which is not in itself a guarantee as anyone in real life
knows (since humans are not perfect ;)) by using the workflow process
of eContent. The report is calculated from data extracted from
several dbs into a data warehouse and is published to the system
automatically each morning for access by users who have permission
(security)to access the report. (they can send a request for access
if they don't (more workflow process)). A user can subscribe to the
report in two ways: receive email notification that it is published
with a hyperlink (or it may be emailed to key people); and may be
accessed via that users personalized portal views. This report is
interpreted each day and which gives users' the knowledge upon which
to act or do accordingly. In our example, let's say the report and
emails include hyperlinks for related functions to further encourage
the development of knowledge from the user community for this
resource: FAQ, forums, project and task management; search; and
An faq relating to the report where the user can post new questions;
a discussion forum with thread relating to the report, i.e. ongoing
discussions on improvements to daily operations etc relating to
specific trends and numbers; tasks to be completed related to the
report and operations i.e. so and so add competitive research (in
sales tab in portal) on weakness of xyz product to help sales people
sell more gg product; search tool to search other sources of perhaps
related information i.e. other reports, documents, email etc; and
Helpdesk for problems and suggestions for improvements to the
report. All of this collaborative process encourage knowledge
sharing and speeds the evolution of ideas. The process of user
involvement is "validation" of the knowledge presented as it is cross
examined and explored and discussed.
I don't know if this was what you were looking for. The key factor
from the url you gave seemed to be flow and feedback...certainly
which the example above has. eContent includes workflow features and
they can be customized to be very detailed, and collaborative tools
to encourage feedback.
I would like to quote a paragraph from the url you gave which I
thought was excellent:
"Flow leaves knowledge validation and goes into an area with nodes
for codified knowledge claim {CDS}, codified organizational
knowledge {COK}, invalidated knowledge claim {IKC}, information
about knowledge claim status {IKCS}, non-validated knowledge claim
{nkc}, validated knowledge claim {VKC}). There is feedback, which
is good. Stuff flows forward to steps that teach, share and
assemble (called "search"), with feedback to organizational
culture, e.g. strategies, processes, policies, products, services,
> Do you have an example of work product showing the a meeting, call
letter or
> other daily working information that is connected into a web of
related stuff?
We have an example which is not corporate related, but more research
and development oriented. Our collaborative portal at
www.javacorporate.com is developed using this technology.
> Any cost studies showing time and money saved using this method,
where it was
I have no stats on cost studies. I attended a seminar earlier this
week and even a rep from Gartner Group says they do not have these
stats yet. They say there is not enough data available yet and won't
have for about a year.
> used, etc.
From my perspective on KM, it appears logical to be integrated into
portal delivery mechanism. So it might be called a KM portal. That
way the user can see what he/she wants on her desktop with
personalization features on the components and and documents. The
standarized browser is used to access disparate information across
systems, locally and globally, internally and the internet. It is
offers advanced search. It delivers collaboration, role based
workflow, applic/data integration, and so on. It can deliver
information in non structured and structured ways (hierachical, table
Kind Regards
Sandra Cann
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