Little feedback. The link you provided came up empty.
The 5 elements you list might get KM done, depending upon what they mean, i.e.,
how do you convert information into knowledge. I asked the KMCI people about
this the other day and they reported the secret is "validation," see...
Do you have an example of work product showing the a meeting, call letter or
other daily working information that is connected into a web of related stuff?
Any cost studies showing time and money saved using this method, where it was
used, etc.
Rod wrote:
> --- In, Eric Armstrong <eric.armstrong@e...>
> wrote:
> > My take on things is that there are dozens of folks out there
> > with "big picture" ideas for KM.
> Okay, I confess, I am one of those people with "big picture" ideas
> for KM. I'm passionate about KM, want to get in and "get wet". It's
> got such immense potential.
> snip
> > But none have a platform to
> > build on. My hope was to make an OHS (what I had thought of as
> > a HyperDOCUMENT repository) into a platform they could use to
> > build on.
> I feel we have a platform which can be used to build on. I'd like to
> invite you to look at our eContent product as it is a HyperDocument
> repository for both static and dynamic content. I think it has a lot
> of potential to build on.
> Our "resources' can be documents, forms, discussion forum, web based
> email, faq, helpdesk, news, project/task management, company phone
> directory, data warehouse views etc or other components. We have all
> but the email component developed. With indexing/searching capability
> we are working on (see CVS version), the eSearch portion can search
> the KM "resources" system, for referenced keywords etc. Our system
> has been designed with flexibility so that content can be presented
> in different ways too, i.e. hierachical, table etc.
> At a basic level, I see 5 components supporting KM.
> 1. document management
> 2. information management
> 3. searching and indexing
> 4. communications and collaboration
> 5. expert systems.
> Adding some personalization features and the result is a
> collaborative KM portal. I think the portal, ebusiness, content
> management solutions markets are likely to converge towards KM in the
> next 2 years.
> Please have a look at the eContent product
> which I am proposing be evaluated as a platform. Also consider that
> it is fully based on open standards and is 100% Java and web based.
> To enable your access to the demo, whitepaper and other resources,
> please register onsite using the Register link on the home page in
> the right column. When you register onsite, you will be automatically
> added to the appropriate security group for access. You can find the
> eContent demo at the following url:
> category=132 [please make sure you get the full url].
> Then select the "person icon" from the header or the left menu and
> login. Once logged in, select "Demo Menu" from the left menu. As it
> is the demo focuses on the administrator demo; and doesn't yet show
> off the end user GUI very well, so please bear that in mind. There
> is a whitepaper and detailed feature list onsite as well (links are
> on the eContent description page).
> I would be appreciative to hear your feedback on what you think about
> eContent is a platform to build on?
> Sandra
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