Re: [unrev-II] Tech Startup "How To" notes

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 14:35:54 PST

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] Tech Startup "How To" notes"

    "N. C a r r o l l" wrote:
    > ... I did business consulting for
    > quite a few startups, and to a one, they were unable to understand
    > that a souffle needs *all* the ingredients (at the right time
    > and temperature) to rise. I had never before seen such a
    > profound misunderstanding of process. It was like watching
    > a construction crew finish the drywall before running the wiring.
    > Truly amazing.

    Thanks, Nicholas.
    That made me laugh.

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