Re: [unrev-II] Is "bootstrapping" part of the problem?

From: John J. Deneen (
Date: Tue Jan 02 2001 - 10:49:53 PST

  • Next message: John J. Deneen: "Re: [unrev-II] OHS / DKR problem revisited"

    After reviewing several of the Knowledge Management Case Studies, I
    found the following three links that might be useful for "bootstrapping" our
    interests in:

       * email thread management
       * enterprise ontology, and
       * an Ontology Editor that supports distributed, collaborative editing,
         browsing and creation of Ontolingua ontologies.

    1) Corporate Memories for Knowledge Management in Industrial Practice: Prospects
    and Challenges[wolfandreimer1996]

    2) Overview of the Enterprise Ontology

    3) The Ontology Editor is a tool that supports distributed, collaborative
    editing, browsing and creation of Ontolingua ontologies.

    Jack Park wrote:

    > From: Henry van Eyken <>
    > > On threadmaster.
    > >
    > > The thread, I feared - well, still do - may collapse under its own weight.
    > That
    > > would be a pity. Some contributors appear to feel the same and have made
    > some
    > > effort at condensing some of the ideas presented. And thgis led me to the
    > notion
    > > of persons interested in "taking charge" of a particular thread or related
    > > threads to function as a threadmaster. The threadmaster would organize,
    > strip,
    > > encourage, seek solutions to conundrums, seek external sources o
    > expertise,
    > > edit, etc. and eventually contribute a story to the Bootstrap site. That
    > story
    > > would be consensual in the sense that authors in the thread are not
    > slighted,
    > > that they agree to how they have been represented, etc. One might say that
    > the
    > > threadmaster, in the words of a famous contributor to this forum, turns
    > > information into knowledge or, phrasing it along not too dissimilar a
    > line,
    > > makes information into a story for a better sticking to people's mental
    > ribs.
    > >
    > > Threadmasters would function one thread at a time and after completing a
    > thread
    > > (perhaps serve to bring out a modified version once in awhile) take a
    > deserved
    > > rest to later get fired up again and put his/her experience to bear on
    > another
    > > thread.
    > >
    > > Isn't this the sort of thing that may make good discussion forums better,
    > more
    > > widely useful discussion forums?
    > >
    > > Henry
    > For me, if for no-one else here, perhaps the most illuminating suggestion on
    > this list has been Eric Armstrong's notion that IBIS can/should manage
    > threads. I once poked out the idea that a Beadmaster was needed (Herman
    > Hesse: _The Glass Bead Game_). I have recently suggested that what is also
    > needed is a kind of central repository of words and their meanings (an
    > ontology) such that all threads can remain 'on the same page', or, at least,
    > drift from the page with complete visibility of the drift and its
    > intentions. Threadmasters, it seems to me, is an idea that wants to find a
    > common ground in all these suggestions.
    > In another illuminating post here, Garold Johnson points out, very clearly,
    > IMHO, some problems associated with a priori structure in a discussion
    > space, and suggests continual refactoring as a means of at least controlling
    > such issues.
    > Get this: is announcing (at least on TV) that they have something
    > called QuikClick or words to that effect. The idea is this: click on any
    > word and you get a popup with links to more information on that particular
    > word (or phrase, whatever you have highlited).
    > It seems to me that we are beginning to see evidence of a larger interest in
    > an underlying ontology (even if it's not called that), thread management,
    > and tools that implement such things.
    > I am responding to this by working 'bottom up' in a long list of holliday
    > email. It is conceivable that others have already responded to this thread.
    > This morning promises to be an interesting one!
    > Happy new year to all.
    > Jack
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