Extremely, even passionately realistic, IMHO. For an instance (just one of
many) of people doing what you suggest, consider this web site
http://www.universimmedia.com/ <http://www.universimmedia.com/>
as maintained by Bernard Vatant. All of this is certainly in keeping with
Doug's vision as expressed in the Unrev-II seminars.
What is clear to me is that it is, if nothing else, time to create (if one
does not yet exist) a web ring that links all such web sites together.
----- Original Message -----
From: Henry van <mailto:vaneyken@sympatico.ca> Eyken
"John J. Deneen" wrote:
CoDIAK connections for bootstrapping? ... Facilitated Co-Evolution within
our Cyberinfrastructures .... in pursuit "As much as possible, to boost
mankind's collective capability for coping with complex, urgent problems."
May I suggest bootstrapping the development of OHS/DKR technology in context
with Digital Earth (.geo) and Information-In-Place(s), along with testing
knowledge management approaches by Cliff Joslyn's Global Brain, Jack Park's
Ontology and Topic Maps, and Rod Welch's Schedule Diary System (SDS) for a
pilot project proposed by the Western Hemisphere Knowledge Partnership 21?
Yes, John, as far as I am concerned this is, in principle, an excellent
suggestion. A similar idea was taking shape in my mind when experimenting
with the Fleabyte pages, see http://www.fleabyte.org/archives-one_world.html
<http://www.fleabyte.org/archives-one_world.html> :
20 November 1999
The seventh day
Why not spare, say once a week, a thought for the world at large? Why not
periodically interrupt our immediate concerns to sacrifice a moment for the
concerns of our larger community? Why not once in awhile look at the whole
to better perceive our place in the larger scheme of things? &c
You will find on our home page ( http://www.bootstrap.org
<http://www.bootstrap.org> ) a greyed-out menu item called "context." It is
intended to include on our site a web magazine that puts Doug's work in the
context of that by many of like mind, people who share his ultimate
What I am dreaming of is a high-quality publication that serves as an
immediary between a literate public and those working in the wide variety of
domains that recognize we have sofar only one common spaceship in this
universe and it is high time to put an end to, let's call it, "space rage,"
which, like air rage should be perceived as a crime. Buckminsyter Fuller
used to call it "Spaceship Earth."
Such a publication would be maintained by a volunteer staff of suitably
proficient people. I perceive a level of quality set by "The Economist" (see
http://www.economist.com/ <http://www.economist.com/> ), but with these
1. The guiding theme the commonality of resources. I like here Thomas
Malony's way of putting it: "The vision is a society in which all of the
basic human needs and a fair share of human wants can be met by successive
generations while maintaining a healthy, physically attractive, and
biologically productive environment." An economics of a slightly different
color, so to speak.
2. Replacing their static archibves by a dynamic archival system, a DKR.
3. Put an emphasis on such a publication's experimental, evolutionary
character. In fact, I have in mind working it as a research effort in
publishing (A, B and C activities all there).
At this point we are not short of the "right spirit," nor are we short of
top-drawer starting ideas. We could start today as far as I am concerned.
Unfortunately, we need the sort of structure and commitment to it that
ordinarily only money can put in place. Without that structure and
commitment we are nowhere.
The first things I am looking for are:
1. Bringing our site up to a higher level of quality in sofar web-publishing
standards are concerned.
2. Seeing the issue of "permanence" resolved, i.e. gaining an assurance that
this site has a reasonably long-range future.
3. Attracting quality management. I am thinking of volunteers with the
required experience and vision capable of attracting journalistic talent and
putting the resources we already have to best possible use.
Am I being realistic? I can only hope so.
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