RE: [unrev-II] Collaborative Discussion Tools

From: Eugene Eric Kim (
Date: Mon Apr 16 2001 - 15:37:18 PDT

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] Collaborative Discussion Tools"

    On Mon, 16 Apr 2001, Garold L. Johnson wrote:

    > I have suggested something like this before, but I didn’t get any feedback
    > as to why the idea isn’t feasible or wasn’t desirable.

    It's both feasible and desirable. In fact, we discussed it quite a bit
    almost a year ago, although this was mostly in-person at the Menlo Park
    meetings, and some details may not have been shared over the list.

    I've been sketching out notes for a mail repository, with mail that can be
    granularly addressed using HyTimes/DSSSL Groves. Using this repository,
    XLink and RDF could be used to respectively link to and categorize
    e-mails. There are several open source RDF implementations, and I've been
    sketching out a design for an open source link database, which could be
    used by other OHS-related projects. I'll keep people posted on the
    ohs-dev mailing list.

    However, in the interim, one could easily modify any one of the mail
    archiving programs to add Purple/PLink-style addresses to e-mail.

    Incidentally, the Foresight folks wrote Critmail, a modification to
    Hypermail that replaces e-mail quoting with Critlinks. I believe those
    modifications have made it back to the main Hypermail distribution. This
    functionality is definitely desirable; an e-mail quote, after all, is just
    a transclusion to a section of an e-mail.


    +=== Eugene Eric Kim ===== ===== ===+
    |       "Writer's block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they        |
    +=====  can have an excuse to drink alcohol."  --Steve Martin  ===========+

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