From: Henry van Eyken <>
Yes, indeed, there are a number of long posts. That should be alright, though,
as long as we rememeber that people have other things to attend to in their
daily lives as well.
I would suggest that the officially scheduled colloquium be followed by a
period of digestion and reflection, i.o.w. that we carry on the discussions -
perhaps after slicing up the whole into bite-size topics.
Priority at this point really ought to be, methinks, ingesting what Dr.
Engelbart is contributing to society. And, speaking for myself, I love the
interspersion of topical speakers and relating their messages to the
fundamental message of Dr. Engelbart. Just GREAT!!
I am glad my comments haven't been perceived as complaining. I do very much
appreciate the contributions people are making to this event.
Eugene Kim wrote:
> From: Eugene Kim <>
> I think the main reason there haven't been more participants on this
> mailing list is that the posts are too long. That's not surprising; there
> are lots of thought-provoking things being said, and those are going to be
> long. If we considers ourselves participants in a bootstrapping
> experiment, then this is a flaw that Roy Pea raised last week. You want
> bright people to be involved in the discussions, but the bright ones tend
> to be the busiest.
> Another reason why I think discussion here has been relatively unfocused
> is that the colloquium itself has been unfocused. That's undoubtedly by
> design; Doug is trying to cover a heckuva lot of ground, and the guest
> speakers and (I suspect) we participants come from diverse backgrounds.
> One of the predominant threads on this list has been about designing the
> OHS. I think that's fantastic, and I have found the messages fascinating,
> but I'm sure this discussion has driven others from the list, and in
> truth, I don't think it really belongs here. (Eric mentioned a new
> mailing list at some point; I think that will be a big help.)
> Regarding the content of the class itself, before I participated in this
> colloquium, I heard Doug speak about three times, all on the same topic.
> I didn't really start understanding what he was talking about until this
> colloquium's first session. And as I commented at last week's session, I
> realized after Jeff Rulifson's presentation that I hadn't completely
> gotten it. I'd be curious to hear other people's thoughts on this,
> whether they feel they grasp what Doug is trying to teach, and what they
> think about the general direction of the class.
> -Eugene
> --
> +=== Eugene Eric Kim ===== ===== ===+
> | "Writer's block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they |
> +===== can have an excuse to drink alcohol." --Steve Martin ===========+
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