From: Neil Scott <>
We are evaluating a number of different schemes to develop free-space
chordic keyboards. I checked out the Twiddler several years ago and
rejected it as an ergonomic disaster. I play guitar and the Twiddler
violates all that I have learned about how to finger quickly. We have
several variants of the BAT type keyboard that work with varying
degrees of success. I experimented with the Power Glove that was
commonly used in virtual reality systems but it was not sufficiently
sensitive or accurate for reliable gesture recognition. There are some
very accurate exoskeletal and glove sensors that work well but they are
either painfully cumbersome or expensive (actually both). We have also
looked at emg signals as a possible source of inputs but it is difficult
to separate the wanted signals from the noise.
We are interested in developing a gesture input system for silent typing
and for gesture input to the computer -- e.g. recognizing American Sign
Language. Our current project uses very sensitive force sensors to
detect the forces at the tips of the fingers. We have looked at
accelerometers to sense finger movements but the earth's gravity
introduces some problems that are difficult to solve When we understand
more about the human movements, we plan to take another look at
electrical signals (EMG) and video pickup.
So we are working on the problem but don't have the answer yet.
Neil Scott
Project Leader and Chief Engineer
The Archimedes Project wrote:
> From:
> In a message dated 03/27/2000 2:11:29 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> >
> > Here is some more background on "One-Handed Typing Devices":
> >
> >
> I tried the BAT keyboard a few years ago and returned it. What I wanted, and
> told them I wanted but they didn't pick up on it, is what I call a TYPEWRITER
> A Typewriter Glove would slip on one hand. The hand could be in any position,
> such as resting lightly on one's stomach while lying down, or in one's lap
> while sitting. Sensors in the joints of the glove would input to the
> computer, and a simple combination of finger positions could easily represent
> more than the entire ASCII key set and all abbreviations. It would be
> somewhat like signing (using sign language) and could even be patterned
> similarly. I do not know sign language, so cannot speak for that.
> I have tried to give this idea away. I don't know why no one has picked up on
> it.
> With a Typewriter Glove, there would be no carpal tunnel syndrome, no stress
> to hold the hand, wrist and arm in a fixed position. You could type with the
> hand or arm in any position, as long as your hand is in the glove.
> Any takers?
> Jim Morrissett
> 760 751 0188
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