Re: [unrev-II] Moving beyond the web...

From: Jon Winters (
Date: Wed May 03 2000 - 15:54:29 PDT

  • Next message: Henry van Eyken: "Re: [unrev-II] Re: Towards an atomic data structure (Somuthinghappenedon the way to the forum)"

    Trying Gnutella has been on my todo list for some time now. Mostly
    because I wanted to see what all the buzz was about.

    Before trying it I had a very hard time understanding how something with
    seemingly no organization would work. It only took a few minutes use to
    see that its a brilliant idea and that it does indeed work.

    Its also easy to see that it would be difficult if not impossible to bring
    it down. I saw one quote in the press clippings... "The only way to stop
    Gnutella would be to turn off the Internet"

    I'll be online late tonight... email me if you want to do a test.

    Jon Winters

    "Everybody loves the GIMP!"

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