You have the talent to create a KM platform. As an observer, my sense from your
letter on 001017 is that you are covering too wide a sweep with the initial
effort. Forget about versionable, and the other ...ables for now. Start with
just connecting stuff. Everything else will grow. Start with a general, basic
platform that lets you add stuff. As you gain experience, you will discover
what is needed. That is how I started in 1985. You are umpteen miles smarter
and more talented, so you can grow your system faster, but you cannot grow it at
all, if you don't get started using a new tool. In your case, I really feel it
has to be of your own making, so use your experience with the outline project
you did, but by all means get started.
Keep in mind the initial goal is to produce communication that links to the
record, per Doug's request on 001025. That is a good place to start, if you
don't start with SDS. Once you produce some work product, you will get
suggestions from the team.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving.
Eric Armstrong wrote:
> Rod Welch wrote:
> >
> > As you note in your letter, of the 300K+ hits you got on the Internet
> > for KM,
> > none are doing KM. They are all working on a project to create it.
> > My sense is
> > the design is a secret that can only be discovered by doing KM. If
> > people want
> > to build KM tools, you have to set aside the tool kit for awhile and
> > become
> > immersed in the process of doing KM, then pick up the tools again and
> > go to
> > work. Right now we have a bunch of expert tool makers, who don't
> > really
> > understand the tool that is needed. As you know, that is very hard for
> > highly
> > talented people to do. It's a dilemma.
> >
> My take on things is that there are dozens of folks out there
> with "big picture" ideas for KM. But none have a platform to
> build on. My hope was to make an OHS (what I had thought of as
> a HyperDOCUMENT repository) into a platform they could use to
> build on. Now I guess we're calling it a DKR, though, which
> sounds as though the problem will have been solved when we're
> done building it. I don't think that's true, but what the heck.
> It's only a name.
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