Jack, Henry, I'm sorry but I've been trying to find a suitable Web
documentation but all the pages I found until now show some small aspects of
the program and are highly contextual (and in french). The only address I
found with some meaningfull content is
http://www.dfj.vd.ch/seneps/bilan_int_evm/resume_bilan_interm_evm.pdf. This
is the summary of a bigger document containing an assessment of the program.
The first page gives the objectives. I know it is not enough to get a true
understanding of this new programme. I will do my best to find better
documentation next week. By the way, the programme is named EVM which stands
for Ecole Vaudoise en Mutation.
-----Original Message-----
From: Henry K van Eyken [mailto:vaneyken@sympatico.ca]
Sent: vendredi, 9. novembre 2001 17:14
To: unrev-II@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [unrev-II] Engines for Educators -- an online book
Of course, Jack, of course. An old way of putting it is that a teacher
taught until the learner has learnt.
As for your question about documentation, I was going to ask the same
thing. No
surprise that Switserland is playing a leading role, with a reputation
like Jean
Piaget's to uphold.
Jack Park wrote:
> I'll repeat it again: I
> don't see teaching as anything but learning facilitation. ...
> Can you point to any (hopefully English language) documentation on the
> revolution you describe?
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