Quality and bootstrapping Masakazu Ohashi. 1.* - unedited transcript -
Thank you very much, this is an honor to speak at this colloquium and I have a brief introduction to the Japanese activity and those are relating quality control and bootstrap activities. We now call total quality management system basically starting with QC. QC means quality control, controlled quality products.
So RE70 and RE80, this is a strong tool for the Japanese production. So RE80 and next decade we call development this system, total quality control. This is control plus management system. RE90 we are standardized we call the TQM. TQM means total quality management system. This is a control plus management plus strategy. So cross-functional process management system is TQM.
This is a paradigm shift of TQM. A fast generation quality control is enterprise organization image is manufacturing. Next generation is TQC is product competitive power is most important thing. But now TQM means respectable existence, this is most important thing that RE90 or probably next century. Target is fast decade; faster generation QC system has production quality, only production quality. But TQC second-generation means product service quality is higher rather. TQM means management quality. Also quality intention is conformity is meaning the QC. The TQC means customer satisfaction. But the TQM means stakeholder satisfaction, and this is a little different.
Also quality guarantee solution is a QC is a product out, but the TQC is a market in. Also TQM is a society in, means environmental problems, many complex problems last 1990. So control object is very different. QC is controlled production but TQC controls process and the TQM controls management system. Object is very different.
So idea of TQM is quality of management and also improvement of total quality. Quality means very different compared with QC activities. Management science means TQM not management, means not equal management. TQM is equal methodology of management science that is very important thing.
Also vision of TQM aim is respectable existence. Means co-delighting relationship with the stakeholder and also competitive and praised ability and activity is technology, speed and flexibility, and also vitality. Vitality means recently knowledge management system is very close to the vitality is make one's presence felt, is most important thing. Also methodology of TQM is very complex.
One is including ordinary method. Is all including, BPR, concurrent engineering, total productive maintenance, total productivity, just in time, 6 Sigma, ISO9000 and also CALS is very interesting best under TQM. But TQM method is a little different. TQM method is QC story, task accomplish.
This is the very best one on the QC activities. Also Q7, Q7 is a QC7 tools. We are arranging new QC7 tools we call N7. Also, P7 is new one, this is a planning 7 tools. Also, S7, S7 means strategy 7 tools. Also, quality function development reliability engineering. Also, many operations research methods are included. TQM means unify of management method based on the operations research or another new study analysis and the new management of technology.
Also a strategy of TQM is corporate strategy, business strategy, functional strategy and management strategy submits always "what to do". But usually management strategies didn't say "how to do" this is not submitted. Also, life stage is most important thing of the next century. It means life cycle assessment; this is most important thing towards product able and more policy orientated or many social system or life cycle assessment. This is most very important thing. So TQM is suitable this life stage cycle. Also, TQM means open transparency of activities. PDCA cycle is like this.
It is a review process, is called top management. Also planning process, performance process and also verify and improvement process. This is four cycle, four processes most important thing, PDCA cycle. This is invented by Deming. So P means plan, D means Do, C means check and A means review processes, action is review processes. Usually older system is only three cycles, three cycle means DCA. Plan Do C system is older one. But now PDCA cycle, this is adopted for the ISO14000 for the environmental assessment. Also resource management is important.
Resource means information and also IT technology and also including the human resources. The quality improvement of management system is leadership, vision, and strategy is also important. Progress of organization is one of the final aims of total quality management system. Technology, speed, and flexibility, vitality are the means. Also ISO9000 and TQM means close relationship.
ISO9000 series is quality assurance model and also manage, perform, and verify is important thing on the ISO9000. Conformance is also means. TQM means quality management so building a quality in the process is most important. On the process and in the process is most important thing. Performance is also important.
Framework of TQM is like this. Lower label of base of methodology of TQM, I mentioned formally. Also resource is important, IT technology and information and human system, human resources. Third important thing is quality improvement of management system. Original QC system means quality improvement of the product system. Now quality improvement of management system is important. So this is the base three of the framework of TQM, so they aim on progress of organization. After this conclusion is respectable existence with stakeholder. That is the final aim of TQM. The future of TQM is now TQM has a strong relationship with knowledge management system.
This is also resource management system. This formula is not only based on algebra. This is a pure mathematic like a group theory or people theory like this. KM means knowledge management, P means people, plus means technology and K means knowledge. S means speed but probably recently we are now developing this formula probably S means schemes. Recently we call the mouse year. Mouse year is very high speed changing year around Silicon Valley. Japan is a dog year, so probably two or three years ago, advances, we are approaching mouse year. Organizational plus individual knowledge is very important thing. Organizational is based on the TQM in Japan. But individual knowledge is based on probably on knowledge management system. The socialization, externalization, combination and internalization are most important thing. Knowledge model is very complex. Data and information is lot of things on the Internet, but structural system is most important thing for the knowledge-based system.
Probably open hyperdocument system and many other Engelbart's papers say knowledge is most important thing for the society or many people. We think also relationship with wisdom or improvement system dynamically related between wisdom and knowledge, this cycle is most important thing. Learning to knowledge management is most important thing because education is only a part of knowledge.
Lecture is a smaller one. So knowledge is a structured is individually learning activities. Education is only assisted learning, learning is most important activities on the individual scheme.
Finally TQM and bootstrap activities. TQM means A and B activities and also subset of bootstrap activities. TQM plus KM future model is trying to approach C activities but probably very difficult to this scheme because bootstrap activities based on digitalized system. Also a very important thing is bootstrap activity is totally activated on the Engelbart series. Our TQM system is only trying to approach in the C activities. TQM means subset of bootstrapping and also many Japanese projects is proceeding on the spirit of bootstrapping. For example, our project with the United States educational content through the United States through the people. Totally and many other trial in Japan are proceeding now. Next generation probably combining bootstrap activities including TQM and knowledge management system. Thank you very much.
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