RE: [ba-unrev-talk] Fwd: [issues] News from Johannesburg (2)
Jack, (01)
Here is a good example of how your beloved EU and the insane WTO sell
America down the river. These unelected 'three-judge panels' are making
fools out of all Americans. It is sickening. (02)
Of course, the US has no veto power and cannot retaliate. Disgraceful. (03)
What do you think will be the result of this hegemony? Harmony in
sustainable development? Nope. It will generate more rancor and
distance. Do you reasonably think the US would step into another big
mess like the Kyoto Protocol? 'Fraid not. Once bitten, twice shy. (04)
The Earth Summit was a farce. (05)
Do you 'get it' yet? (06)
The doctrine of the WTO is drenched in 19th Century free-trade beliefs
that rendered England, the cradle of the industrial revolution, into a
third-rate manufacturer. (07)
The 13 colonies resisted all forms of free trade and economic
integration. That resulted in creation of the greatest economic power on
earth. (08)
Every president on Mt. Rushmore was severely ridiculed by phony
intellectuals and smarmy globalists for being 'protectionist.' In fact,
all they were doing was putting America First. (09)
Do you have a problem with that? (010)
Do you know who has the fastest growing economy in today's world? That's
right, the communists in China. Oh, and by they way, they are by far the
most protectionist. (011)
How can this be made more clear? (012)
Sadly, there will probably be more, not less, of this dangerous economic
integration and globalization. It is creating a dangerous and perilous
future for all. (013)
-jtm (014)
By Paul Magnusson, who covers international trade and economics for
BusinessWeek from Washington (015)
Daily Briefing: NEWS ANALYSIS
On Aug. 30, a three-judge panel of the World Trade Organization issued
its final ruling in a trade dispute that dates back to the Nixon
Administration. The international court authorized the European Union to
impose penalty tariffs on U.S. exports to Europe by as much as $4
billion a year, by far the largest penalty ever against any of the 144
nations in the Geneva-based trade organization. And the WTO decision
represents a complete victory for the Europeans... (016)
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jack Park
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 2:27 PM
Subject: [ba-unrev-talk] Fwd: [issues] News from Johannesburg (2) (017)
>From: elohimjl <>
> EU leads pledge to set goals for renewable energy
>Paul Brown and John Vidal in Johannesburg
>Earth summit's weak words spark 30-nation revolt
>Dismay at the weakness of the Earth summit's outcome spilled into the
>final plenary session in Johannesburg last week when European Union
>delegates led a protest against the failure to agree global targets for (018)
>increasing renewable energy production.
>The leaders of more than 30 government delegations promised to go
>than the summit declaration that renewable energy's share of global
>production should rise. They agreed to conduct regular reviews of
>towards ambitious targets at the national, regional and "hopefully at a (019)
>global level".
>"Such targets are important tools to guide investment and develop the
>market for renewable energy technologies," their statement said.
>came from all 15 EU states, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Poland,
>Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Brazil, Argentina, Uganda, Mexico,
>other Latin American, Caribbean and Pacific states.
>America's isolation on countering climate change was further underlined
>last week when its only remaining ally, Australia, shifted ground. The
>prime minister, John Howard, who had insisted that Australia would not
>ratify the Kyoto protocol to cut greenhouse gas emissions, said he
>reconsider its position.
>Another last-minute change was the restoration of a clause on human
>whose original wording was resisted by the US, the Vatican and Islamic
>states. At their insistence the clause omitted the right of women to
>contraception and abortion, and hailed the superiority of local
>and religious values. The US stepped back when it was pointed out that
>clause would give tacit approval to such widely condemned local
>as genital mutilation.
>An attempt by the US to dilute provisions on corporate accountability
>regulation was rejected, after objections by Ethiopia and Norway.
>The US secretary of state, Colin Powell, was jeered and slow
>during his speech. A wave of anti-American feeling was unleashed when
>blamed the land reforms of Zimbabwe's president, Robert Mugabe, for
>pushing millions of people "to the brink of starvation".
>After long wrangling, agreement was finally reached on the political
>for the summit, originally written by the conference chairman, the
>African president Thabo Mbeki, which was also tough in the area of
>corporate accountability. This was seen as a victory for environmental
>groups in their campaign to curb the power of multinationals. But these (020)
>groups remained angry that so few targets and timetables for action
>reached the final text. NGOs said that, although the summit's action
>agreed to move towards phasing out export subsidies, the world's
>governments had failed to grasp the urgency of opening up agricultural
>markets to developing countries.
>The Guardian Weekly 12-9-2002, page 5
>elohimjl (021)
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