THE MouseSite Digital Archive contains a broad variety of materials documenting the development of human/computer interaction. The archive includes texts, images, video clips, bibliographies, and interviews with Douglas Engelbart, the inventor of the computer mouse. Explore how Doug Engelbart formed his vision of the computer as a communication tool for extending human capabilities rather than as a computational machine intended to automate aspects of knowledge work by browsing papers written between 1959 and 1969. Reflect on the difficulties Engelbart and his colleagues encountered in gaining acceptance for these ideas through interviews and retrospectives as well as through new materials being added to the MouseSite archive by particpants in those events beginning more than 30 years ago. Gain additional information on the topic by exploring relevant articles, book chapters, and extensive bibliographies in the MouseSite.

* ENGELBART PAPERS: The MouseSite offers two paths to access materials related to the contributions of the Engelbart group at the Stanford Research Institute to the field of human computer interaction. The first is through the FINDING AID for the Engelbart Papers in the Special Collections of Stanford University Libraries. We have included the finding aid of the Engelbart Collection from 1959-1969. This path is useful for scholars wishing to see the full listing of materials in Stanford's Special Collections relating to Engelbart, only a portion of which have been made available here. The finding aid is a resource for locating additional materials you may want to examine in Special Collections or request for copying.

An annotated TABLE OF CONTENTS, a listing of all the materials from the Engelbart Collection we have made available, offers a second path to archival materials in the MouseSite. These materials reflect our current view of the core documents relevant to understanding the contributions of Doug Engelbart and his team at SRI to the development of the mouse, hypertext linking, online display editing, windowing, networked collaboration, and on-screen video teleconferencing. The sample for this website focuses on the decade from 1959 to 1969. It contains papers, memoranda, think pieces, technical reports, managerial information (i.e., project budgets, project reports) and selected correspondence.

* Demo: Video clips of the original 1968 Fall Joint Computer Conference demo of the Augment Research Center

* 1998 Symposium: The Unfinished Revolution

* Secondary Literature: Articles and book chapters on the development of human computer interaction. This section includes articles referenced by Douglas Engelbart as important for his conceptual work as well as studies on Engelbart's coontribution to the topic.

* Interviews: Three interviews with Douglas Engelbart provide insights into the personal dimension of being a 'lonely long-distance thinker'

* Gallery: Hundreds of images of people, artifacts, and events.

* Bibliographies: A compilation of additional literature relevant to this website

* Related Websites: Other interesting websites related to the MouseSite


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